Wednesday, 13 August 2014

A note of Thanks to John Green For Crash Course - World History

For the past few days, I had been watching John Green's Crash Course - World History.

And I must say, they were truly enlightening.

The videos make us take a journey from civilisations as old as that of the Egyptians, Indus valley to the present day.

Through the videos Mr. Green very nicely shows us how mankind & civilisations evolved over time, how we adopted agriculture, what led to colonisation & the revolutions. What were the factors that led to such wide spread adaptation of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. What were the reasons behind Industrial revolution, capitalism, socialism & much more.

My favourite part used to be the end of the videos as they always contained a very good moral message.

My most important take away from these videos was how all that humans ever did till less then one century ago, was all about food & raw materials. Most of the european colonies were made because they needed land to grow stuff, the same factor was responsible for the inhuman slavery. How most of the wars were fought for the land & it makes me sad that in today's times in an agricultural country like India, we are not giving it enough attention & the care it needs.

Today most of us have fallen into the hands of the capitalist market & don't even care about how our actions affect the environment & society. Human kind must remember that nature has a very delicate balance. Life expectancy rate was as low as 35 not more then a century ago & millions died at the hands of food shortage. Today there is the culture of wastage & hoarding, it's high time to question our mindless acts & learn to keep a check on our rampant activities.

It's like Mr. Green said in his last videos, "We are making history right now", so you decide, what kind of history you want the future generations to read about.

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